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Matrix Rhythm Therapy India

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Matrix Rhythm Therapy India

Mr. Anil Deshpande introduced Matrix Rhythm Therapy in India. In year 2009 along with Physiotherapists Dr Sandeep Bhagwat, Dr Pranjali Dhamane and Dr Bharti Parkekh he visited Germany to learn this therapy from researcher and inventor Dr Ulrich Randoll. A small device work like a vibrator was being criticized by physiotherapists and medical practitioners. On the other side results in clinical practice were like a miracle. Every case with different symptoms and etiologic findings was showing positive results. As understood the importance of knowledge about the concept, working principles and application skills of device Mr. Anil Deshpande started training programs for medical practitioners and Physiotherapists. Specially trained by Dr Ulrich Randoll at Dr Randoll Institute Physiotherapists Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat, Dr. Arti Prasad, Dr Meenakshi Pandit and Dr Varun Naik are certified as instructors to teach this therapy in India.

With established trends in therapy and practices demonstrating therapy and explanation of concept is taking lot of time in spreading this concept. More than the resistance to shift from conventional therapy methods the more challenge is to convince medical practitioners the limitations of So called modern digitalized and rigidly fixed frequency therapy equipments. Understanding this we focused more on the training of practitioners and ensured they deliver results. We are proud to mention every practitioner of Matrix Rhythm Therapy is trained with appropriate skills and knowledge. Is certified to practice with device. Several opportunities to update knowledge and skills are open for our users.

We are thankful to Dr Randoll institute for providing us academic support. In India to carry out research projects we have done MOU with eminent universities like Dr. D. Y. Patil University college of Physiotherapy, Pune. KLE University Physiotherapy college, Belagavi, Karnataka and Manipal University, Mangalore. Matrix Rhythm Therapy is being used in several Physiotherapy colleges and their case studies are published in eminent index journals. We welcome institutes and practitioners interested in research and academic association with us.

We are thankful to Mrs. Sema Randoll, Chairmen of Marhythe systems GmbH, for technical support. Sturdy and robust built of equipment has almost no maintenance. Matrix Rhythm Therapy is now available in almost all states of India and at very small interior towns. Practitioners in such areas are using therapy device without any downtime.

For citizens of India, We are happy to present website with profiles of Matrix Rhythm Practitioners in India as www.matrixhealthpartner.in You can visit to Matrix Health Partner of your choice considering your location and profile of practitioner. Ensure your practitioner is certified and has Matrix Rhythm Therapy device invented by Dr Ulrich Randoll as there are few medical practitioners offering fake vibrating equipments as Matrix Therapy. As only successful and useful technologies are copied Some of Physiotherapists selling digitalised vibrators as Matrix Therapy be aware of such fake equipments.

International Medical Technologies, Mumbai is only distributors of Matrix Rhythm Therapy device in India.