Matrix Rhythm Therapy® helps in various acute and chronic conditions with pain and restricted mobility.
Matrix Rhythm Therapy® is very helpful for the rehabilitation of patients with neurological conditions. For spasticity and tightness in cases of neurological disorders. Control the further deterioration of the condition and functions.
Matrix rhythm Therapy improves circulation at microscopic as well as macroscopic level
Acute pain and sprain keep athletes away from the exercise and field. Now with Matrix Rhythm Therapy® sports persons can enjoy their sports early after the injury Matrix Rhythm Therapy® is helpful in various sports related injury and pain complaints. Even it is proved to be effective in preventing injuries, soft tissue injury and acute pain management.
Every day our body is milder environmental, daily stress and need rejuvenation frequently. Many times cause of pain and fatigue is because of this situation. Regular session of Matrix Rhythm Therapy® helps to maintain you always healthy physically and psychologically.
Matrix Rhythm Therapy® device is very light weight, easy to carry that a therapist can visit to sports venue, sports club, golf course, tennis court, gym etc. to treat the players before and after the game.