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The Research

Matrix Rhythm Therapy harmonizes the body rhythmically, acting thereby on the process management of the organism, the therapy stimulates the body’s natural self-healing power.
Matrix Rhythm Therapy is developed from clinically-linked fundamental research carried out by Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Trauma Surgery, University of Erlangen, Germany (1989-1997). Research carried out using high resolution video microscopy uncovered the fact that healthy living cells and skeletal muscles oscillate in the frequency range of 8-12Hz corresponds to ALPHA RHYTHM (fig 1.1)
Dr. Randoll’s research observing processes in living cells and their environment in the human body the so called EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX (fig 1.2) has confirmed the much-discussed paradigm shift which has been taking place in the natural sciences over recent decades. Matrix Rhythm Therapy and Matrix Concept is a creative and vitally important innovation in the efficient treatment and prevention of wide variety of medical conditions, especially those connected with disturbances in microcirculation and including illness of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.
According to the Matrix Concept, illnesses are understood as “loss of Rhythm” and “derailed” processes at the cellular level. The result is an approach to therapy which aims at restoring healthy physiological conditions first and foremost by improving the Logistics (fig 1.3) of the living process at the cellular level. This improvement of cell logistics, achieved with the help of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in turn provides the basis for self –organization and self-healing without any side-effects. Vibrational energy, supplied from the outside and tuned to the frequency range of natural cell rhythms (micro vibrations) activates and restores the healthy spatial-temporal ordering of the living system by the mechanism of “entrainment “of oscillations. This constitutes a kind of quality management at the cell-biological level.

The Matrix Concept is used by therapists in many areas including doctors, physical therapists, dentists, practitioners of alternative medicine, ergo therapists, medical massage therapists, and even speech therapists. The reason for the remarkable success of Matrix Rhythm Therapy lies in its cell-biological approach, its gentle action and its ability to reach deep into the tissue. This therapy stimulates the natural rhythm of the musculature and acts indirectly to regulate the processes coupled with it. As a result, the natural tissue vibration is restored and the cellular logistics are optimized. This method has an extremely wide spectrum of applications.
Reference: The Matrix Concept, Fundamentals of Matrix Rhythm Therapy, Dr. U. G. Randoll. The principles of Matrix Rhythm Therapy MaRhyThe®, Dr. U. G. Randoll Matrix Rhythm Therapy Cell Biological Basics, Theory and practice, Ulrich G Randoll. Friedrich F. Henning To know more about the researcher and research visit https://www.dr-randoll-institut.de (fig 1.4)
Rhythms are the key to a healthy life. In all people healthy muscles vibrate in the frequency range of 8 to 12 Hz. This can be observed directly on the cellular level. . Muscle cells pulsate. What happens when the rhythm of pulsation changes? It can be shown with the help of piezoelectric sensors that muscle pulsation frequencies which lie outside the 8-12 Hz range correlate positively with pains, muscle tension and other health problems. Changed muscle elasticity and plasticity are linked to changes in pulsation frequency and in the logistics of the living process on the cellular level.
Biological Rhythms for vital processes
In fact, rhythmical processes are found in every living organism which has been studied until now, including single-celled organisms. Rhythms are essential structure-generating information, which can be destabilized or stabilized by outside influences.
In humans we can immediately recognize a variety of life processes that are rhythmic in character. The most obvious are breathing and the heartbeat. The octave principle in body rhythms:(fig 1.5)
In biological systems there are never rigidly fixed frequencies, but only frequency ranges. This variability permits adaption and is essential to the survival of the organism. Human beings are not independent from rhythms but must live in harmony with them. This understanding of the role of rhythms can be utilized therapeutically.
The various interactions between the internal components of a biological system, and the multiple interactions of the system with its outside environment are rhythmically organized in many ways by harmonic, coherent oscillations and thereby also regulated.
Oscillating fields control processes on all levels – from the individual cell and the chemical processes taking place inside it, to the tissues and organs, all the way to the unity of the whole organism. Synchronous oscillations are coupled with the motion of fluids in the interior of the organism. These fluids flow around the individual cells as a medium of supply and disposal and as mediators of the interactions between cells. This "flowing around" is clearly of vital importance for the survival and functioning of the cells.
In a healthy organism, all these processes are brought together into a self-organizing whole through coherent oscillations. These oscillations are essential to the “logistics” of the whole body. Here we use the term “logistics” in the biological context to mean the supply of energy and materials at the right time and right place in the living organism. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is essential to this logistical task because everything to and from cells pass through it. If false deviating rhythms are maintained for too long, and this necessarily causes changes in the extracellular fluid flows, thereby changing the medium in which the cell must live. Eventually, this leads to processes of attempted adaptation to the new conditions by the cells and finally to structural changes.
The viscosity, plasticity and elasticity of the colloids in the body determine the characteristics of the body as a resonator, including those of the individual cells and their corresponding extracellular matrices, which combine to form the total extracellular matrix of the body (connective tissue, the lymphatic network, etc.) When the resonator characteristics change, this change overall kinetics of chemical reactions in the body, including the coefficients of the physical-chemical reactions taking place in the colloids. The living human body is a biological oscillator behaving as a vibration system which can in principle always be set into vibration from the outside. It is therefore plausible to expect that – given corresponding functionalities of the cells – couplings with external signals and energy transmission might occur in the frequency window of the micro vibrations from 8 Hz – 12 Hz.
The oscillating state of the body which makes it “living” keeps body fluids and the molecules suspended in them in constant motion. When the oscillations weaken, stagnation occurs and swellings, pain, various kinds of deposits as well as thrombosis can develop in various locations. Step-by-step, the system departs from the non-equilibrium state and ultimately dies. Aging involves drying-out processes, concentration and coagulation of proteins in tissues, and deposits of an organic substance (calcium carbonate, calcium oxalate) and organic slag (cholesterol) with an accompanying scarcity of calcium. While the intervertebral discs of newly born infants have a water content of 77-88%, by the third decade of life the water content amount to only 70-76%, and decreases more and more with age.
Like fishes in water; cells in the extracellular matrix. The human body is a complex system. It consists of 70 trillion cells. These cells are all surrounded by the extracellular matrix. All exchanges and communication, all transport to and from the cells takes place through this matrix. There is no other possibility to reach the cell other than this transit pathway. The extracellular matrix pervades the entire organism. Cells are dependent on the special environment in which they have developed and to which they have adapted themselves. Hence, the state and the quality of this extracellular medium is a determining factor for our health. Sticking with the metaphor of the fish, we can say: Like fish in water, the cells in our body are surrounded by the extracellular matrix. The vital logistics of supply and removal of all substances occurs via that medium. The wellbeing of each cell thus depends on its surroundings, just as the well-being of fish depends on the quality of the water they are swimming in. Frequencies that are unfamiliar to the body can dominate over internal body rhythms and guide them in wrong direction. Such signals will then acts as stressors and therefore tend to generate symptoms rather than to eliminate them (fig 1.6)
In case of disturbances to the healthy regulative functions of synchronously co-operating oscillations, Matrix Rhythm Therapy aims to correct deviating body rhythms by re-establishing the normal frequency and amplitude range of the relevant tissue and organs. Depending on the situation, essential regulative functions are restored, maintained and strengthened. Before tissue can again fulfil its normal functions, its cellular components must be rehabilitated.
A new view of the muscle cell function based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Currently, even experts consider the muscular contraction as a process that predominantly consumes energy; on the other hand, the muscle relaxation is observed as a passive process. Parish & Randoll have revised this generally accepted opinion on energetic sequences of a muscle function when they used the findings of non-equilibrium thermodynamics to explain the process of muscular functions. In order to be able to contract, a cell has to have built up a standby potential. When this potential collapse, due to triggers from nerve signals, the intended contraction and muscular work follows. From the perspective of the muscle cell, this contraction also referred to as depolarization, is a passive process. A subsequent extremely fast restoration of the relaxed standby state, the repolarization and therefore the relaxation of the muscle cell is from the perspective of the cell, the active and actually energy consuming part of the process. This reproduction of the thermodynamics non-equilibrium is dependent on the physio-chemical quality and quantity of the environment of the cell (the extra cellular matrix). The actual energy consumption during the process of muscle fibre contraction occurs through the removal of myosin from the actin filaments and through the repolarization of the muscle cell. ATP is therefore necessary first and foremost to achieve the relaxed standby state (i.e. resting potential). Randoll Bifurcation Within the framework of his studies, researcher found two tracks where muscle contraction can lead to depending on the initial extra cellular state. In analogy to certain models in mathematics researcher called this “bifurcation behaviour”. If the conditions for contracting are normal, a muscle contraction passes from a physiological tremor through synchronization of the discharge signals into a well- known muscle shivering (chills, fever, cold shiver, shivering with orthostatic collapse). Within the trembling-mode, the muscle cannot be contracted any further. The “window of frequency” in which the musculature synchronizes is valid for all people and is located within the range of the alpha brain waves (8-12 Hz) researcher refer to this as the “survival mode”. The skeleton musculature shows the bifurcation known in Mathematics. Depending on normal initial conditions, the muscles at full tension switch over to the physiological synchronization mode (survival tremor code), or in case of acidotic initial conditions they cross over to the irreversible “injury mode” (Randoll Bifurcation), after passing through reversible intermediate stages (cramp, induration, pain).
Matrix Rhythm Therapy restore the Energy-ATP Entrainment signifies the synchronization of cells, organs and organisms by an external rhythm. Matrix Rhythm Therapy applies the natural physiological muscle frequency from the outside, in order to re-adapt derailed cellular and extracellular processes. Preadaptation of cellular processes regulates the process of ATP formation basic requirement for neuro-muscular exchange for movement and active relaxation. Matrix Rhythm Therapy developed after the research is the vital solution available to restore the coherence and synchronicity of micro vibrations in affected cells, opening the way to treat a variety of chronic diseases and pain conditions with an efficacy which had previously been impossible. In the Dr. Randoll’s new treatment method, “Matrix Rhythm Therapy”, the therapist utilizes the “Matrixmobil” – a special device generating a combination of mechanical and magnetic pulses in the natural frequency range of 8-12 Hz. Matrix Rhythm Therapy enables the therapist to treat even the deeper layers of tissue in a directed, specific and gentle way. The goal is a pain-free mode of treatment. In the fields of osteopathy, manual medicine and other physiotherapeutic techniques MaRhyThe has been recognized and has become an integral part of therapeutic practice in many places. By applying the Matrixmobil to the patient’s body in a suitable manner, a trained therapist can re-establish and strengthen the natural micro vibrations (especially) in muscle tissue, thereby reversing the loss of logistical capabilities of affected cells. Apart from often dramatic results in eliminating or at least greatly reducing pain and other chronic symptoms, this typically leads to a general improvement in physiological performance and improvement in the subjective well-being of the patient.